Christopher's Reason

"A Beacon of Hope"

4521 Arthur Kill Road
Staten Island, NY 10309

Christopher's Reason Outpatient Treatment Center

Phone - 718.605.1989

Fax - 718.984.1995

Recovery Community Living Center

Structured Living Beds

Phone: 718.967.1992
Fax: 718.984.1996

24/7 Open Access Recovery Center

24/7 Peer Support Services

Phone: 718.984.1973

Fax: 718.984.1995

The Resource Training Center (Staten Island Campus) @ Christopher's Reason

Credentialed Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counselor

Recovery Coach & Peer Series Training

Electronic Medical Records Training

Phone: 718.984.1984

Fax: 718.984.1996

Our Brooklyn Locations

The Resource Training Center

408 77th Street, Basement 1
Brooklyn, NY 11209

Phone: 718.871.7433
Fax: 718.871.7419

Credentialed Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counselor
Recovery Coach & Peer Series Training

Electronic Medical Records Training


For more information please go to our website @

Donations to Christopher's Reason

Christopher's Reason is a part of The Resource Training Center, Inc, a 501(c)(3) not for profit charitable organization.

All donations will be used toward our mission to serve as a "beacon of hope" for those suffering from the horrible disease of addiction during what has become the worst drug epidemic of our times. Our mission always has been and will remain, to provide assistance to addicts and their families "on demand." We will provide you with a donation letter for tax purposes.

Christopher's Reason

"A Beacon of Hope"

Christopher’s Reason, a place where all are welcome to explore their alcoholism & substance abuse issues. A safe place to spend the day together with recovering individuals. 

Christopher's Reason is an All IN ONE CENTER!  

Our Available Services Consist of Recovery Community Living Beds, 24/7 Open Access Recovery Center, OASAS Licensed 822 Outpatient Treatment, Family Support, Recovery Coach, Peer Advocate, CASAC, & Overdose Training.  Vocational Training as well as ACCES Opportunities.

We are Recovery Community Living Center with Beds that provide structured living during the client's recovery process, providing them with a safe and trigger free environment with 24/7 sober support.  The Recovery Community Living Center lets the client work on their Behaviors, Boundaries, Authenticity, Relationships, Accountability, Consequences and much more... 

We at Christopher's Reason become a family as a community, we have a LARGE SUPPORT team which consisting of our staff and clients combined.  We as a team work together in our Recovery Community Living Center, Open Access Recovery Center and our OASAS Licensed 822 Outpatient Treatment Center, to learn how to reprogram the brain to function without a substance, how to love ourselves again, how to smile again and how to adapt in the community sober.  We work on isolation, how to work through trauma, and much more.  Our medical team works closely with our therapists for each of our clients on an individualized basis with their mental health issues.  We work day by day, little by little, searching on whom we are and who we want to become.  There is no time we can put on the recovery process in which, is why our Beds are not insurance driven and we don't have to put a timeline on something, that cannot be determined.  

Call For Bed Availability 718.967.1992

For All Referrals Fax to 718.984.1996

On our Third Floor is our OASAS Licensed 822 Outpatient Treatment Center and our 24/7 Open Access Recovery Center.  Our Outpatient Treatment Center team consists of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counselors, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Creative Art Therapist, Prescribing Medical Director, Registered Nurses and Prescribing Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.  We Provide Medication Assisted Treatment and we provide On Demand Ancillary Outpatient Withdrawal Services (outpatient detoxification)

We have 24/7 Peer Advocate Support Services in all departments.  We also have 24/7 Peer Navigation Services for ALL that are in need of help.

Call for more information on our Outpatient Services


For All Outpatient Referrals Fax to 718.984.1995

We will assist and help anyone who walks through our door, from substance abusers, parents, and families.  Our staff will respect everyone, we will not turn you away for any REASON, if we cannot help you we will find a place that fits your need. 


Christopher’s Reason will take the time out to help you or any family member through this lifetime recovery process.  We will not give up!

HIS REASON will give you the chance to love yourself again and to find a REASON

This is just the beginning of the rest of your life!

Hours of Operation

24 Hour Open Access Center 7 Days a Week

"A Beacon of hope"

Any information or statements that appear on our sites are not approved at all times by Christopher's Reason. Some information that is changed at times for unknown reason or technical changes may be inaccurate until noticed by the company and removed or changed immediately for inaccuracy. For any external sites, for Christopher's Reason we cannot be held liable for the availability of, or the content located on or through it. Plus, any losses or damages occurred from using these contents or the internet generally.

​We are doing our best to keep up with the data of the contents of this site. However, Christopher's Reason cannot warranty the expressions and suggestions of the contents, as well as its accuracy. In addition, to the extent permitted by the law, for Christopher's Reason shall not be responsible for any losses and/or damages due to the usage of the information on our website.

Christopher's Reason